Our way of working

We work directly with the communities prime agencies, social groups and institutions of education, health, human rights, protection of the environment and others, wether and urban and rural areas, respecting their organizational autonomy, their power for making decisions, their culture, and their priorities for certain needs and issues. We establish work agreements for participative work.

Through the practice of a cooperative work, we carry out our actions searching to reduce the lack of communication, interaction and collaboration that exists between professionals, investigators, public – private actors, prime agencies and social group organisations.
We analyse the reality, intervention strategies and their impact, following logic of research and permanent investigation, reflexion and action. We combine the development of knowlegdes, technological innovation, and traditionnal knowledges rescue.

Social base groups

In each intervention zone, we form social Base Groups, made of one representative of each indigenous people, entities or local association wich participate in our projects, and the council of Realidades.
The representative Base Group, elected by its own community our group, participate in the general assemblies in which they have a voice and vote.
Each Base Group must initially accords on the work that should be realised with all the actors that take part in the process. After, a participative investigation on the problems and needs that exist will be carried out in order to search for commun solutions to which we will respond to through our sensibilisation and publical incidence programs from a cooperative work for the creation of nets.
Through this way of working, we carry out our projects which respond to the programs of the asociation and to the needs exposed by the actors of the development themselves.